Deputy Chief of Naval Staff (WAKASAL) Vice Admiral TNI, General Ahmadi Heri Purwono participated in the function test of the Slovenian pistol, AREX which is imported by BTI Defence as authorized agent in Indonesia. The test was carried out at the Antares shooting range, Cilangkap Naval Headquarters, East Jakarta. Tuesday, March 23, 2021.
The Naval Research and Development Division (Dislitbangal) conducted a function test with the aim of knowing the capabilities of the weapons made by the eastern European country. The Vice Admiral had the opportunity to experience shooting using five types of pistol weapons, Arex Zero 1 Standard, Compact, Tactical, Arex Alpha and Delta.
The AREX Zero 1 series has the DNA of previous standard issue, carried by the Navy officer and special operators. “The DNA is there, so users are already familiar with the gun, but this time it has been perfected! It has ambidextrous magazine catch and safety, optic-ready slide, threaded barrel, as well as unprecedented reliability under extreme conditions” Said Judhy Hermoyo, Marketing of Gun and Ammunition division of BTI Defence who also has 20-year of experience as Law Enforcement firearm trainer and licensed IPSC Range Officer. With AREX Zero 1, the shooter gets a preference of the first shot being single or double because the safety can be applied with or without the firearm being cocked. This is an excellent option for law enforcement or military use where rules of engagement may dictate.
Also attending this evaluation test activity were Asintel KSAL Rear Admiral of the TNI General Angkasa Dipua, Waasrena KSAL Rear Admiral TNI General Erwin S. Aldedharma, Waaslog Kasal Rear Admiral TNI General Rachmat Hartoyo, Waaskomlek Kasal Admiral TNI General Dono Herbowo, Wadan Kormar Brigadier General TNI Mar Nur Alamsyah, to the Head of Research and Development Center Admiral TNI General Agus Karminto.